Saturday, 17 April 2010

Friday: Rugeley to Stafford

Distance: 21.8 km (13.55 mi)
Time: 4 hours, 3 minutes
Average speed: 5.38 km/h (3.34 mph)

This was the same route as the 19th of March. The discrepancy in distance is because the GPS was playing up and I had to reset it some 15 minutes into the walk.

This really was a lovely Spring day. The weather seems to be making up for Winter, although as I native of these lands I harbour suspicions that it is merely lulling us in a false sense of security. The ground on the Chase is dry as a bone, cracking in some places and turning to dust in others.

Crossing Brocton Field I could see three buzzards (probably) gliding on the air currents. Alas I didn't have my camera, and anyway I have established beyond all doubt I'm no wildlife photographer.

The section along the canal I even had to put on my sunglasses because of the sun being reflected in the water.

The finish saw me less tired and less sore than the last time I did the route, so this training must be working. Just a pity it was the Friday closest to pay day and therefore takeaway night.

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