Sunday 10 April 2011

Saturday - the Long Mynd

Looking south from Pole Bank

Distance: 31.2 km (19.39 mi)
Time: 8 hours 3
Average speed: 3.88 km/h (2.41 mph)

This was the second 20 mile training walk (so a little short) but with some ascent/descent built in. The Long Mynd certainly delivered that as the route went from the foot to the top, about 300 m, twice.

First order of the day was to find a chemists in Church Stretton and buy some sunblock, as the forecast was for much sun. Accurately as it turned out.

The route was much the same as last year, along Carding Mill valley up to the top, north a bit then loop back around to go past Pole Bank and the Gliding Club before descending down towards Plowden and looping around eastwards before climbing back up. There I made my mistake.

I started following a wide track which I thought would lead me back up, but it didn't so I left it a just headed uphill. The route I picked turned out to be far too steep and I think I might have trespassed a little bit before I rejoined the Shropshire Way path. That cost me time as I slowed right down climbing up. I also realized I'd been drinking too much water as I could feel it sloshing around inside me. That meant an extended break while I recovered, both from the climb and the unpleasant feelings in the gut.

When I finally set off again I was rewarded with cramps in the legs. Fortunately they went away once I'd got back into my stride and I got to Cross Dyke without incident. There I ended up sharing the narrow path with steep sides with a dozen mountain bikers. Twice. I overtook them when they'd stopped for a rest, so why the lead biker had to suddenly brake and swear when he caught up with me a second time I don't know. That aside they were considerate.

The final descent down to Little Stretton is very steep, so I slowed down again. By that point I had been promising myself a pint of shandy in the pub for the last two hours. It was shut! Still that motivated me to do the last mile back to where I'd parked the car so I could get something soft to drink from the Co-op. It seems 1.5l isn't quite enough water for 20 miles, not in yesterday's weather.

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