Sunday, 24 March 2013

This year to date

So far it has been Cannock Chase, The Wrekin, the canals between Rugeley and Stafford and one trip out to the Roaches when it looked like Spring was on it's way (ha).  I should be doing longer distances by now (20 miles scheduled for next weekend), but the weather isn't helping.

New toy

I got a new GPS unit.  Bigger screen (for my failing eyes) and the full 1:50,000 OS map for Great Britain (my precious).

Gluttons for Punishment

Yes we're back in the K2B again this year.  By the looks of it we may already be down to just 3 walkers as some people come back to their senses


Yes I've been a little lax in updating.  The graph above is the distance registered by my GPS in each month for each walk I had it with me (usually an hour or more).  You'll notice the build up to the K2B in early May, then a decline.  I don't know what happened in August, unless it was work taking out some of my weekends.

The weather might also have had something to do with it:

That was from early June in the Malverns.  Probably.  With that visibility it could have been anywhere!  Twice on that walk my GPS showed we'd managed to turn 180 degrees and were going back where we'd came.