Wednesday 7 March 2012

Sunday morning on The Roaches

Distance: 6.13 km (3.81 mi)
Time: 1 hour 42
Average speed: 3.61 km/h (2.24 mph)

Slow I know, but I have an excuse.

I checked the weather forecast before I set out that morning. Raining at Leek, but I thought I'd risk it anyway. All the way out there it rained, but heading north out of Leek it was looking more like sleet. When I parked, I'd realized I was wrong. It was actual proper snow.

Having driven all that way I wasn't going to back out. I was prepared to shorten the route and I was thinking about which bits to cut out while getting a face full of snowflakes. The wind was coming from the north-west, which was the same as the first part of the route.

In amongst the trees the snow didn't seem that bad, but climbing up onto the top soon dispelled that illusion. It's lucky the path is well defined and that I'd walked it many times before, the snow and mist reduced visibility. I saw one other person along the top, he looked like he was regretting it as well.

At Roach End, the worst of it over, I decided to stop being stupid and took the easy route back to the car along the road. I stopped only to snap this poor thing:

Poor lamb

Also, my gloves may be warm and light but I question how waterproof they are

1 comment:

  1. Conversely, we were quite happy to find it to be snowing on Sunday morning. If it hadn't been snowing then it would have been raining, and at least snow doesn't get you so wet!
